dental veneers
Dentists and good dental veneers are important not just to protect your teeth and gums, but also to avoid things such as mouth cancers whcih can occur.
Dental Plans differ from dental insurance. Dental insurance typically provides you with coverage that has a monetary cap on benefits that you are able to receive per year (typically $1,000). Most dental insurance policies also have a pre-existing clause which may not allow a you to receive treatment for a dental problem which you currently have until waiting for a specified length of time. The ® dental plan has NO WAITING and all pre-existing conditions are accepted. Furthermore, with our dental plan there are NO DEDUCTIBLES, which is not the case with a majority of dental insurance policies. You can also see the dentist immediately upon being accepted with the ® dental plan. With dental insurance you may have to wait and have a limit on the number of visits per year that are payable by the policy. You NEVER have to do this with our dental plan. You can visit as many times as you wish and are never required to wait. The only requirement that you have is that you must use one of our plan dentists.
Without these dental veneers plans, you are stuck paying ridiculous amount of money every time you visit regardless of what you are having done.
This really added up to significant savings for me and over the course of a year saved my family over $500.00 which more than covered the annual enrollment fee.
Your best resource for dental veneers. Click here for a great deal on dental veneers